I wanted so much more! Just like Jango Fett. We got to see so little of the real them.
You mean as compared to that epitome of character detail, Boba?
Yeah, I know, now we've got back story, but in one of the crappy movies.
Still bitter about a LOT things in RotJ.
Well, the upside to getting ewoks is getting to see at least one ewok get shot.
t shoots frank with a scout walker's main gun
The last time I saw RotJ, a bunch of folks cheered during the touching Ewok death scene. I may have been one of them.
Yub nub / eee chop yub nub / ah toe meet toe pee-chee keene / g'noop dock fling
t blasts tommy a few times too
Ah, but if we didn't have the Ewoks we never would have gotten that photo play of one of the
editors being chosen as Galactus' new herald and leading him immediately to Endor.
Peachy Keen? And what is it that they're flinging?