Zaphod's mannequin head wobbling on his right shoulder is taking a powerful lot of getting used to
The BBC version of Zaphod's second head was a large motivating force behind the Pez-dispenser version in the film. (And yeah, I never liked TV!Trillian either.)
Alan Rickman's vocal performance in the film owes a lot to the original radio Marvin (whose name I've forgotten
t /shame
How low-rent am I? I want this one.
Admittedly, this is the coolest thing on the list so far. I just ... I'd never leave it alone.
I've already owned a red used car named Christine that tried to kill me on numerous occasions. One experience I feel no urge to repeat.
I've already owned a red used car named Christine that tried to kill me on numerous occasions. One experience I feel no urge to repeat.
Did you name it Christine before or after it tried to kill you? Because if it was before, you really only have yourself to blame.
Hee, I just sent that link to a friend who was in that movie with the suggestion that he buy the car.
Did you name it Christine before or after it tried to kill you?
After, once the parallels became obvious: very old red used car, many quirks and oddities, radio that would only play one oldies station, and seemingly malicious awareness of when to stage the next mechanical failure to greatest effect (dry-rotted tire that crumbled to tatters while driving on a major thoroughfare, steering column that snapped as I stopped to deposit my paycheck at a bank, flat tire and broken hatchback spring that conspired to give me a mild concussion, etc.).