I went to see Kingdom of Heaven too!
I wondered if
Ed Norton
was the
King of Jerusalem -- he is listed in the IMDB but with a name, not a title.
I also had a question about
beheading of suicides --
did they really do that? Is it because it is against the law to
commit suicide? Naturally, I got vampire prevention vibes off of that but I get that probably wasn't the reason.
Sumi, I read that it him was but he was uncredited.
I just started watching the BBC Hitchhiker's for the first time -- much, much better in some ways, painful in others (BBC!Trillian is indefinably irksome to me, and Zaphod's mannequin head wobbling on his right shoulder is taking a powerful lot of getting used to), but overall very much its own entity, a distinct and independent creature that's able so far to peacefully coexist in my brin with the movie without either version stepping on the other's toes.
Except Marvin. I can't hear a single one of BBC!Marvin's lines without hearing how Alan Rickman said it and wanting to scamper off to the theater to hear him say it again. Of all the performances in either version, his is the one that's forcibly obliterating all others -- haven't heard any radio Hitchhiker's yet, but I'm sure it will be just the same, with Rickman remorselessly trampling the competition. So fretful, so sullen, so unbearably perfect.
Now I want a yarn Alan Rickman.
GoF. Where the hell have I seen Miranda Richardson? I read her whole iMDB resume, and I can't place her for the life of me. Maybe I just recognize her from discussion?
I can't wait for GoF.
t Harry Potter whore
All over the place, notably as the sex-crazed Queen Elizabeth in Blackadder. Also as Mme. Giry in POTO. Also as the romantic lead in The Apostle.
The IRA chick in
The Crying Game.
The Apostle! Never saw it but she was nominated (or won?) an Oscar for it?
I saw The Crying Game so looong ago. And I think I've repressed the memory.
Didja ever see The Crying Game, Aims?
The murderess in *Dance With A Stranger*.
Also Aims, two other things you might have seen her in, Sleepy Hollow, and as Queen Mab in the Merlin miniseries that starred Sam Neill as Merlin.