The Dark Is Rising news will be excellent of Narnia is good, and really really bad if Narnia is bad. I'm withholding judgment.
The stills I've seen from the film look GORGEOUS. I hopehopehope the writing is good.
I'm still a little gunshy from A Series of Unfortunate Events.
I'm nervously excited about The Dark is Rising. I'm already trying to mentally cast Merriman, Hawkin, and the Dark Rider. A younger Julian Sands would make a good Rider.
Oh, Merriman is easy-peasy. Ian McKellen. AGAIN.
That's the answer I kept coming up with. It's like Sir Ian has become the default "elderly British magical dude." I'd kinda like to see someone else.
I've never read the books, but I'd like to see Ian play the role. I just want to see him in everything. Doubt he'd want to, from what I've heard, though.
I'm not sure I want him as Merriman. I'm sure he'd do an excellent job, but there are plenty of other people out there that would as well, and I approve of keepnig my fantasy world out of conflict - Gandalf as Magneto is already confusing enough.
How about Anthony Hopkins?
Is Ian Richardson still around? He'd be good if he is.
Watch where you point that thing, Potter.
I've been singing "So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish," and the Talking Heads' "And She Was" all day long, interspersed with the ocassional humming of "Journey of the Sorcerer."
Sadly, no one has asked me why I'm humming these things. Losers.
Hey, Sean, why are you humming those things?