P.S. being able to act might have helped too kthanxbye.
Emily Rossum, so far, is ranging from inoffensive to not very good. I'm kind of surprised. I don't really like her voice -- she can hit the high notes, but there's nothing really pretty about it.
Raoul's kind of a babe, though. And Minnie Driver is clearly dubbed, but neither she nor the stunt voice can act.
That's dissapointing, Dana. She was trained at the Met for heaven's sake.
Inteviews with Gerard Butler have him saying he wasn't a singer but he learned for this specific movie. I had a hard time listening to him because of his accent while singing. Emmy Rossum has a pretty voice but it doesn't hit me as "spectacular", although it's a good contrast to the singer for Carlotta.
She was trained at the Met for heaven's sake.
Yeah, I remember reading that. I find it kind of surprising, because she doesn't really have what I think of as an operatic voice. There's not much substance to it. It may just be that she's still young -- isn't she something absurd like 19? I'd expect that her voice will keep changing for a few years.
As far as Gerald Butler goes, I think he's kind of hot, so I'm going to try and ignore him as much as possible in this movie, so as to preserve my affection.
Hmm. She's much less annoying with Raoul during "All I Ask of You" than with the Phantom. That song is a cheese-fest that still gets me a little every time.
I'm sorry for inflicting a Phantom watch-n-post on the thread.
I'm sorry for inflicting a Phantom watch-n-post on the thread.
No problem with me. I just bought it last night and watched it 1.5 times. Even if I have problems with some of the singing I still love the story & music.
I'm enjoying it vicariously.
I just got a "Music of the Night" earworm. Curse my amazing lyric recall!!!
Also, why does Piangi have a Mini-Me?
He thought he was in a Fellini movie?