15 lb. makes much more sense. A 6'5" linebacker who already weighs 250 can talk casually of adding 60 lbs. (although I think he'll be sorry later in life), but I don't think a guy I can pick up one-handed can do that kind of thing without a thyroid condition.
Sheesh, Barry's NSM with the subtle, huh? He is like those Hollywood women who get famous and
get their noses done. Like, honey, it's too late now. We know what you look like already.
Concur on the WTF for making a movie out of
For one thing, you'd have to stop the movie every 10 minutes and explain who all the dead people are, because Dante was the world's original name-dropper.
Orlando page is telling me that they're filming PotC 2 & 3 simultaneously. Is this true?
That's what I heard. It's the LoTR model - cuts the production costs for the expensive sets etc.
What's that I hear from the West? The sound of ita's arm being twisted unbearably?
No, just the neighbor kids shrieking again.
Hey, I'll have you know that took ten whole minutes.
Hey, I'll have you know that took ten whole minutes.
Huh. It's taking much longer to drool over the pics. Especially the one with his eyes closed titled Troy.
Bale gained slightly over 60 pounds between his last movie role and the next one, but it took him from Auschwitz survivor-style emaciation in The Machinist to being Batman. I don't think you can quickly gain that much weight without (1) starting out from an unhealthily thin state; or (2) ending up unhealthily bloated.
I remember reading that Bale lost 60 pounds for
The Machinist
-- was his original weight Batman weight? Lucky wife. Seven weeks it took him to make up the difference.
I think he hovered around 190 for the last few years prior, as a result of the American Psycho workouts. He actually way overshot up to my weight class during the prep for Batman Begins, but the suits noticed he'd gained about 20-30 pounds of fat on top of the muscle and had him work it back off.
I don't even see what the purpose of an Inferno movie is. It has two characters, and they see a bunch of stuff in hell, and they meet Satan. And that's it. There's no real story to it.
That's why Hollywood creates one! Yay!