Chicken Little
trailer confused me at first, because it does start out exactly like the H2G2 teaser trailer, and I've been to a movie where they did in fact show a trailer for
the movie we were about to see
before the movie. But then it was different, so hee.
Also got
Bad News Bears
Star Wars
which looks like it will bug me in the same way
Shark Tale
bugged me.
Love Bug
! I saw the
Love Bug
trailer too.
New Line is making a movie of Dante's Inferno.
So I'm looking up stuff on The Kingdom of Heaven and I'm completely gobsmacked by the idiocy of the IMBD's user comments. Yuck.
If stupid religio-political bullshit tanks the film, I will be very sad. It looks very good. Brave of Ridley to make a film about the Crusades in this political climate, too, if he's going to show a balanced view of both Christian and Muslim participants in the Battle of Hattin. Brutal and ugly on both sides of this particular battle--except the Muslims had a brilliant leader and the Christians were led by a fool. Baldwin IV tried to prevent Guy de Lusignan from becoming King by removing him from succession before he died.
If anyone gives me shit about how Christians are portrayed in the film, I'm going to have to go Medievil (historically speaking) on their asses and bring up the 4th Crusade. Not one of Christianity's finer moments.
I'm just looking looking forward to seeing Orlando Bloom 60 lbs heavier (and hopefully, naked).
I'm stoked about the movies being released in the next few months--enough so to start lining up a babysitter now. Christian Bale as Batman makes me tingly. And I'm stoked about HHGttG (certainly for casting).
I wasn't planning on seeing Kingdom of Heaven, but I think I will now, just because.
Orlando Bloom 60 lbs heavier
That's like an extra 3rd grader, right? I think he'd be hard pressed to gain that much weight, even the way actors manipulate their bodies. The difference between (say) a 6'0" guy at 180 and the same guy at 240 is a
big difference. Even a course of steroids probably couldn't help a man that slim add 60 lbs of muscle; and if he did, he'd probably snap his tendons getting out of bed in the morning (ask Nomar Garciaparra).
For reference, the year that Barry went away in the offseason and came massively bulked up (most probably via the 'roids) he put on 40 lbs. 40 lbs of muscle is a
to put on anybody's already adult skeleton.
I heard it was 15 pounds.
Well, I do recall that Bloom has a tiny tiny head, in a profession full of giant-headed people; so if he is like Barry Bonds and his head grows 3 sizes, that will actually get him to Hollywood Big Head Parity. Why steroids make your head bigger (not in the metaphorical way, because I gather Barry Bonds never had a problem with that) I don't know, but, anything to compete with James Van Der Beek, right?
Apropos of nothing, I found this article in the NYTimes about how George Lucas is passé --
Not that that is news to us, but it was cute realizing that even published SF novelists call ewoks Care Bears. I felt validated.
I heard it was 15 pounds.
It sure looked like more than 15 pounds. 40 might be the difference between his weight his first year and what he weighed in 2001.