See, for me, more and more, it's been JACKIE BROWN that I think is the best.
Oooh, yeah. Good point. And I think I tend to gloss it over because, as Jess said, it was a film he should have made much later in his career. Jackie Brown is definitely his best film, but RD gives the most emotional gut punch.
The Vanishing. (The original Dutch version,
There's another one. Thanks for reminding me of that one, Hec.
However, I've seen Velvet Goldmine often enough (I've owned it for five years) to half-expect my Batman to put on eyeliner and masturbate to pictures of Ewan boykissage.
Though I'm not sure how much of that's Velvet Goldmine, and how much is an overdose of Batfic.
Nah, if it were influenced by Batfic, the pictures would be of Supes, not Ewan boykissage.
Nah, if it were influenced by Batfic, the pictures would be of Supes, not Ewan boykissage.
This fic is writing itself...
if it were influenced by Batfic, the pictures would be of Supes,
Or Robin. Or, depending on your taste in SV crossovers, Lex.
Nah, if it were influenced by Batfic, the pictures would be of Supes, not Ewan boykissage.
I'm not so sure of that, as I see most of Batman's slashy potential being tied up in his habit of taking nubile teenage acrobats into his home and dressing them up in short pants or leather.
I think half the reason he's so grumpy about other heroes like Blue beetle being in the Batcave is he's worried they'll accidentally stumble across the bat-sling in some hidden corner.
most of Batman's slashy potential being tied up in his habit of taking nubile teenage acrobats into his home and dressing them up in short pants or leather.
And who's going to have the cojones to call him on it? "Um, Bruce, about Tim . . ." "You want to keep your teeth, Clark?"
HEY! Newsies isn't dumb. Meanie Alibelle.
Newsies is charming and engaging with singing, dancing and fighting boys. Lots and lots of boys. Christian Bale = half decent singing voice and nice moves.
I own the tape version and the dvd version, just in case something horrible happens to one or the other. I own the soundtrack and I sing along to all the songs. I even hum along when there aren't any words. And now that I've talked about the movie and the songs, there's no doubt that I'll be torturing my co-workers by listening to the cd at work today and watching the dvd this weekend.
Nicole is me. AND it's playing at a theater in LA this week!!!
I'm not so sure of that, as I see most of Batman's slashy potential being tied up in his habit of taking nubile teenage acrobats into his home and dressing them up in short pants or leather.
Oh, Bats/Supes is practically canon. They are 4EVaH!!1!
Bats/Supes is practically canon.
They even had their own comic, "World's Finest."
AND it's playing at a theater in LA this week!!!
You should take Alibelle. She'd like that.