Saw H2G2 again last night, this time at an "all media" screening -- different from the junket crowd in that this included both public and press. ("All media" includes things like "won tickets over the radio" and "was stopped by one of those "do you want to see a free movie?" people outside the theatre.") The response was more heartening than the last screening, but I'm still not expecting a massive hit. About 1/3 of the audience was laughing. (As we were leaving, DH and I heard one guy saying to his date/friend, "What am I missing?" and I think he may be the voice of the people -- if this kind of humor was going to hit it big in the States, Arrested Development and Scrubs would both be getting much higher ratings.)
But I still loved it, so there. And I really really really really want the opening song on MP3.
Also, I forgot to tell people to stay through the ending credits. There's an extra little Book bit, but it takes a while to show up, so be patient.
Well, it doesn't help that all the TV spots make me think that this is a SCI-FI ADVENTURE, with all the bells and whistles such films include, not a comedy filled with mostly British humor, which I'm thinking is going to go flying over the heads of about 2/3rds of the general public. A friend of mine who's a big Anglophile is only showing the vaguest interest in maybe seeing it, since she's not a SF fan normally, nor a big fan of Pythonesque humor.
Well, it doesn't help that all the TV spots make me think that this is a SCI-FI ADVENTURE, with all the bells and whistles such films include, not a comedy filled with mostly British humor
It's both. It's more a comedy than an adventure film, but it does take place in space, and sometimes things blow up. It's a British caper/farce, in space.
Heh -- just found this on IMDB:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie is good. Really good. You just won't believe how vastly, staggeringly, jaw-droppingly good it is. I mean, you might think that Lord of the rings was an excellent way to reinvent a much-loved franchise by people who well-intentioned, completely understood what made the original popular - but that's just peanuts to the Hitchhiker's movie. Listen.
Until today, I had not seen the 3rd HGTG trailer where the narrator (who sounds a lot like Stephen Fry) outlines the structure of a movie trailer. It killed me. And seemed so appropriate to HGTG's particular humor.
Oh, yeah, that's a perfect trailer. I adore it.
A friend of mine who's a big Anglophile is only showing the vaguest interest in maybe seeing it, since she's not a SF fan normally, nor a big fan of Pythonesque humor.
Given this bias, do you really think she would like it?
It is Stephen Fry
Ears like a steeltrap. That's what I have.
Plus? A keen awareness of how far behind the curve I generally am.
Ears like a steeltrap.
Q-tips tremble in fear....