Simon: Captain... why did you come back for us? Mal: You're on my crew. Simon: Yeah, but you don't even like me. Why'd you come back? Mal: You're on my crew. Why we still talking about this?


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Fred Pete - Apr 15, 2005 9:33:44 am PDT #1934 of 10002
Ann, that's a ferret.

I don't think Fred Pete has seen the 1950 Mexican melodrama Aventurera. But he should.

I'll check it out -- TCM has a salute to Mexican cinema next month.

She did a movie with William Powell, didn't she?

At least a couple. Libeled Lady (with Spencer Tracy and Myrna Loy) comes to mind. But Clark Gable (Red Dust, Wife vs. Secretary) was the other half of her OTP.

DavidS - Apr 15, 2005 9:34:43 am PDT #1935 of 10002
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Which, by '30s standards, is slutty.

But by Hollywood standards of the day was nothing very notable. She certainly wasn't in Clara Bow's class.

DavidS - Apr 15, 2005 9:36:10 am PDT #1936 of 10002
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

I'll check it out -- TCM has a salute to Mexican cinema next month.

It is - in my opinion - the greatest melodrama of all time. It's in an interesting Mexican-only subgenre known as Cabaretnera - a sort of soap/noir/musical thingie. Great musical numbers, outrageous plot twists, and lots of shadowy atmosphere and criminal doings.

Fred Pete - Apr 15, 2005 9:44:57 am PDT #1937 of 10002
Ann, that's a ferret.

Hec, TCM is showing Aventurera 5/19 at 11:15 p.m. Unfortunately, TCM's site won't let me link the search results.

erikaj - Apr 15, 2005 9:45:31 am PDT #1938 of 10002
Always Anti-fascist!

Some of that Bow stuff=lies, right? She didn't really do a football team, did she? (My God, the stuff I know...daytime cable used to be my drug, man.)

Fred Pete - Apr 15, 2005 9:46:48 am PDT #1939 of 10002
Ann, that's a ferret.

She didn't really do a football team, did she?

I think that one's been debunked. Though the CW is that gossip about her love/sex life was a big factor in destroying her career.

erikaj - Apr 15, 2005 9:50:36 am PDT #1940 of 10002
Always Anti-fascist!

That sucks. I'd make it worse. "I don't even *like* football, you if it was a poetry slam or something..." would quickly become Actress Confesses Poetic Gangbang.

Matt the Bruins fan - Apr 15, 2005 9:55:53 am PDT #1941 of 10002
"I remember when they eventually introduced that drug kingpin who murdered people and smuggled drugs inside snakes and I was like 'Finally. A normal person.'” —RahvinDragand

While I don't approve of the cheating on/dumping of spouses that I see in Hollywood, I think it's pretty silly to trash a single actress' career for promiscuity. A big factor of how someone becomes a celebrity is how many people would like to sleep with them—we can hardly blame them for taking us up on the opportunity.

Alibelle - Apr 15, 2005 9:58:12 am PDT #1942 of 10002
Apart from sports, "my secret favorite thing on earth is ketchup. I will put ketchup on anything. But it has to be Heinz." - my husband, Michael Vartan

I saw the movie Crash last night. It was great. It was what Magnolia wanted to be. Lots of really, really awesome character stuff, and very satisfying interweaving of plot points. It also has an extraordinarily pretty cast, with Sandra Bullock, Brendan Fraser, Ryan Phillippe, Don Cheadle, Jennifer Esposito, Thandie Newton, Matt Dillon, Terrence Howard, Larenz Tate, and the surprisingly decent Ludacris. I liked it a lot. There was a certain theme that I got a little bit tired of after a bit, but the entire movie was just extremely well done. There were some really intense moments that were just knocked out of the ball park.

I recommend it. It comes out May 6th.

erikaj - Apr 15, 2005 9:58:23 am PDT #1943 of 10002
Always Anti-fascist!

wrod, Matt.