George Lutz is a Putz. It's funny reading him bandy about words like "true" and "fictional" when he doesn't even know the meaning of the words.
I was about to say, reading all of that.... Yes, somebody once went nuts in that house and killed his family with a shotgun, but I was pretty sure the Lutz's story had been proven a hoax.
RE: Sin City, just in case anybody was unaware (I don't remember reading this in any of the early posts on the movie) Frank Miller himself has a cameo in the movie as
the priest that tells Marv that he's looking for Cardinal Roark, and then gets shot for his troubles.
most of the dialog really sucks because it sounds like it was written by a disturbed twelve-year-old with serious issues
My snarky self wants to say that Elijah Wood got all the best lines, but I rather liked some of the dialog in the Clive Owen section - not so many hardboiled anvils, plus a really funny death scene. That reminded of the Frank Miller whose writing I used to enjoy (describing Benecio as
having been turned into a Pez dispenser cracked me up, especially when he gets to demonstrate later
I haven't seen Leon, (I *have* seen The Professional, but not the extended version) but there are some moments with Natalie in Beautiful Girls that are pretty charged. She definitely had a kind of not-quite-innocent sensuality to her then.
And I've always heard the original Amityville Horror was a hoax.
Have we seen this site yet? [link]
overall I was really only impressed with the visuals.
I was impressed with some of the visuals. Most of them, to me, looked like they were copied out of a book. (Which of course, they were, but still. It was all too much "Look how faithful I can be!" with not enough "Look what a great movie I can make.")
These serve to misinform with a drivel that is pure sophistry.
I love this sentence.
After the preview to Amityville ended, I turned to my sister and said, "So the moral of all movies ever is, never buy a house."
I finished watching
and wow, there was A LOT of stuff I don't remember from the cut version. (Although, it's been 10 years since I've last seen
The Professional,
so my memory may be faulty.) Like, Mathilda actually talks to Leon about wanting her first time to be with the one she loves. It's not just some weird charge, it's full-blown romance, and both actors play it fairly straight. Talk about Un!Comfortable! I mean, I liked it--it walks a nice line without going over to florid campiness or sentimentality, but still. It made me kinda squirmy.
I was about to say, reading all of that.... Yes, somebody once went nuts in that house and killed his family with a shotgun, but I was pretty sure the Lutz's story had been proven a hoax.
Does anyone besides me remember seeing the "true" sequel book about how the Evil followed the Lutzes to the West Coast and caused such supernatural occurrences as a cloud of flies eating their new house? I know it was the med fly years, but I think something like that just might have made the news if it actually happened.
If there was an iota of truth in his story, why have none of the subsequent occupants had any problems?
Hey, gates to hell are notoriously finicky, especially when they're located in a charming 3/2 New England fixer-upper.
Saw Sin City last night with a 14 year old boy. Best way to go for pure entertainment. We both really enjoyed it.
I loved that Frank did a cameo...and actually not bad!
It was also fun to see Tommy Flannigan as one of the Irish dudes. In a movie heavy with
prosthetics, it's fantastic to see a working actor with scars. No time in the make-up chair.
Make more movies for Tommy!
One question...did I go crazy, or did I see
Kevin on the porch...with Hartigan was running to the barn after
Yellow Bastard?
Coulda sworn it. Got really distracted. And, as a result, sort of phased out on the next scene until the 'destroying weapons' squick.
Over all, we had a great time!
...and NO, it does not make me a pathetic, female Bruce Willis, that the best 'date' I've had in years was with my dog's best friend's boy.
Okay, maybe it really, really does.
Beej, yes you did, which places it earlier than the other segment.
I'ma swim against the tide and say that I
Clive Owen in this. He just wasn't anything enough to carry the part, IMO. Neither I-am-the-manly-man enough or hi-I'm-nuts enough. It didn't help that he had some of the hardest dialogue to pull off, but it just didn't work for me.