As soon as posted this, I thought there is only one character this is right for. There may be others who are better characters, as far as characters evolving and changing convincingly over a long periods...
And the picture was the same character I would have chosen... Of course the thread and the poster were both clues before I clicked the link...
DW is showing our 4.5 YO his first (edited) Buffy ep: Song selections from Once More, with Feeling. "I want to see her sting more vampires!"
Sarah D. Bunting (aka Sara of TWoP of old...) is doing a full Buffy re-watch this summer. Kind of fun! [link]
I'm volunteering at my library's bookstore tonight and someone has donated Seasons 1-4 of Buffy on DVD. Each boxed set is $4 if anyone wants them. I'll be here until 4 pm board time.
Amy Pascale, Bronzer and author of Joss's biography, is doing a Q&A right now on Twitter:
A Buffy-centric Dork Tower:
Not that we needed confirmation, but this video does demonstrate that Giles got hit on the head kind of a lot. [link]
Ha, beat me to it! That vid is made of win!