I was as unspoiled as possible for Buffy and Angel, and I just about peed my pants AND had a geekgasm when RIPPER (you KNOW that was Ripper) walked in with THAT LINE.
I DID have a geekgasm when Willow did the book-suck scrolling-text on skin thing. I still LOVE LOVE LOVE that. Because.
Ok, there were a lot of fucked up things in Season 6 (ETA: SEE I CHANGED IT LALALA NOTHING HAPPENED MOVE ALONG), but that was a DAMNED FINE season ender.
I'd say -- ooh, this is hard --
#1: Season 2
#2: Season 5
#3: Season 6
#4: Season 1
#5: Season 7
#6: Season 3
#7: Season 4
And I'm torn on the bottom 3.
Ok, there were a lot of fucked up things in Season 5, but that was a DAMNED FINE season ender.
That was the season ender for season 6, yes?
Ok, there were a lot of fucked up things in Season 5, but that was a DAMNED FINE season ender.
Season 5 was Glory, not the Trio/dark Willow.
Oh, damn, I blame coffee-lack. Did I lose my geek card? Cred?
Buffy ref on Colbert Report tonight.
That reminds me - which site had that hysterical screw-up when "Forgiving" first aired, where the recapper's TV cut out a few minutes from the end and they completely missed the part where Angel tries to kill Wesley? I want to say it was TWoP....
I remember that! They were BOMBARDED with comments!
Buffy ref on Colbert Report tonight.
I think the Mitt Romney/"Buffy" Season Six DVD set ticket might be surprisingly effective ...
Oh, as usual, dear, from Mark reads:
Mark reviews Seeing Red Thursday.