(And no, I didn't find it hot or arousing when she tortured Wesley.)
Holy crap, I didn't either. I found it horrible and disturbing.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
(And no, I didn't find it hot or arousing when she tortured Wesley.)
Holy crap, I didn't either. I found it horrible and disturbing.
Actually, there were people who thought it hot. I found Angel's efforts to help her laudable, but by that point I was so tired of Faith, and she had done so much damage to pretty much every one of the Scoobies, that I was done with her. By the time she had moved on to torture, yeah, I was ready for her to go.
I tried to read his review, but I couldn't even get through the first paragraph. It's too too much, way too soon. It brought me right back to that day, walking down the stairs into our basement and finding Rob's body.
I just can't. And I don't know if I ever will be able to again.
I just can't. And I don't know if I ever will be able to again.
Oh honey, no. I know that I am staying far, far away from that particular post of Mark's, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to watch that episode again, either. No, you shouldn't.
::hugs you tight::
You know what's weird about Mark Watches Angel right now? He's still talking about Kate.
I never think about Kate. Mark hasn't even seen Fred or Scruff!Wesley yet.
He hasn't seen Justine cutting Wesley's throat.
He hasn't seen Angel trying to smother Wesley.
He hasn't seen Wesley/Lilah.
He hasn't seen Wesley/Justine/Justine's Bucket.
He hasn't seen Connor as baby or as Pete Campbell.
::hugs you tight::
Joins in the hug
You know what's weird about Mark Watches Angel right now? He's still talking about Kate.
Yeah, he really loves the shit out of Kate. I'm not sure why. I mean, I like her all right, but I didn't even realize she was in so many episodes.
Oh man, season three is going to be fun.
We watched "Belonging" yesterday. It was fun to see him freak out over finally learning Lorne's name. And then the ending, with Cordelia sucked through the portal.
Jilli and Lee, thanks. The episode was powerful in an abstract sense before; now, it's painful in an all-too real way. I wasn't expecting just how much.
From Mark's BODY post:
For now, though, it’s time for me to admit that this is the last time I’ll see Joyce Summers. And I fucking hate it.
I want Joyce Summers back right now...I want anything with her, just one more second and I would be fine with that.
Again, he needs to be careful what he wishes for because BEING NORMAL (I think that's the name of the episode where Buffy imagines herself in the asylum) is probably going to make him regret that wish.
Normal Again is the one you're thinking of, I think.