"the Body" was the only Buffy ep (I think) I have not seen more than once. I watched it again last year for the first time after original airing.
I think I'm good for several more years.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
"the Body" was the only Buffy ep (I think) I have not seen more than once. I watched it again last year for the first time after original airing.
I think I'm good for several more years.
I've only seen "Doublemeat Palace" once as well, but for very different reasons than "The Body."
Ha! Right?
Though upon reflection, "I just can't take seeing that again!" does apply to both.
I have in fact done this.
Me too, following Jess's example.
So this is pretty amusing: Buffy dubbings from around the world.
Lulzy unintentional Mark speculation, on his writeup of "The Trial"
I also understand that there’s another layer to this, though, because turning Darla into a vampire again could have utterly disastrous complications. What if she turns against Angel and his friends? What if she decimates Wolfram & Hart? Wait, can that happen? As much as I love those characters, it would be hilarious if she like blew up the building after drinking everyone. I know that would mean that Sam Anderson wouldn’t be on the show, but I would heal.
Also the last line of the review was perfect, re W&H:
My god, I hope Darla annihilates those assholes.
Well, Mark posted his "Triangle" review and, unsurprisingly, was lost in the hilarity. But what I'm starting to notice is - is it just me or is he really missing the warning signs about Willow? Or is it just that I'm looking back from a post-S6 perspective and the signs weren't as clear as I remember?
is it just me or is he really missing the warning signs about Willow?
Actually he said something prescient about that other day but it might've been in an Angel review. Something about how lame it was to use the addiction metaphor (maybe for Vampirism?).