Heh. "Invisible Segways."
It's no more fucked up than any other monster of the week, though. With, say, "Helpless," I was upset, because I didn't want Buffy and Giles's relationship to be irreparably damaged. But Hush was just ... cool. For me, anyway. Especially the end.
I just watched it again last night. I still love it to death, and I still replay the moment when Buffy and Riley face each in battle over and over again.
"Helpless" fucked me up. That's one of the eps that I had the strongest negative reaction to for emotional reasons.
"Hero" - damn.
I just watched it again last night.
I just watched it again recently too. It's still a great episode, but, Jesus, does Joss hammer the thematics. The first twenty minutes is basically nothing but characters setting up the theme of the episode. Talk, say, communicate, shut up, how many different ways can we have people mention talking or saying things??
I thought Hush had one of the creepiest monsters Joss ever brought to screen, but that sort of sustained emotional reaction? I have no idea what's prompting it.
I thought Hush had one of the creepiest monsters Joss ever brought to screen
Favorite! Favorite monsters! I want a flock of The Gentlemen to follow me around everywhere.
I am watching Hush right now, AIFG!
I want a flock of The Gentlemen to follow me around everywhere.
Sometimes you are callous and strange.
From Mark's take on Rm w/a Vu
Oh my god, never have two people had so little sexual chemistry and so much comedic compatibility as Angel and Cordelia. I AM SO HAPPY SHE IS ON THIS SHOW.
I wonder what he's going to think when they start going there. You know the "there" I mean.
Oh my god, never have two people had so little sexual chemistry and so much comedic compatibility as Angel and Cordelia. I AM SO HAPPY SHE IS ON THIS SHOW.
Well at least that's one thing he and I had the same reaction to. The Cordelia who said "'cause of how the only guy that ever liked her turned into a vicious killer and had to be put down like a dog?" in Buffy's hearing made the perfect comedic foil for Angel's manpain.