I could have suspended my disbelief if there wasn’t a scene where the pub owner didn’t wave away Xander’s concern for drinking age. Like FOR REAL. That happens never in any universe ever.
Seriously? At a bar near a college? This happens all the time.
The only times I was ever carded in college was buying wine at the grocery store. Never in a bar or restaurant.
I was carded WAY MORE just after college, going to dive bars. That is pretty weird, come to think of it.
Also, people I knew had fake ID's in high school, which now seems a little weird. A 16 year old looks so young to me now, I can't even imagine someone believing the ID.
Bars near my college were constantly raided, so most of them carded really strictly.
Boston is really agressive about carding. Weird, as its not much of a college town.
t /Spinal Tap
I'm not saying that all college bars don't card, just that the idea of a college bar that openly ignores the drinking age is not completely unheard of. I didn't drink in college, but everyone certainly knew where to go to drink underage without a problem.
I like "Beer Bad".
I have a fondness for it because I watched it at an OMWF screening, and even a bad episode of
is fun to watch in a theater full of
He loved "The Puppet Show" which is definitely one of my least favorite Buffy episodes.
And that was the one
episode I had never seen until my
surprise party the year the series ended.
Ha! "Beer Bad" led to the creation of the "what the fuck did i just watch" tag. What other episodes will get the tag, you think? The first episode that came to mind was "Smile Time," but in a good way. Someone suggested "Restless" as well.
I'm not saying that all college bars don't card, just that the idea of a college bar that openly ignores the drinking age is not completely unheard of.
Oh, of course -- there are the places that care and the places that don't, for sure. The place that didn't care near my U. would get busted with high school kids in there.
Hey, Beer Bad gives us the Cave Slayer and bopping What'sHisFace on the head. All to the good.