Because you have Clovis, silly.
As in he's a reason WHY I shouldn't have a flame thrower? Or because I have him instead of a flame thrower? If it's the latter, okay. If it's the former, Clovis would like everyone to know that he will make sure I use the flame thrower in a calm and responsible manner.
Oh, dear, I just snorted in disbelief.
Says the woman who set water on fire.
Clovis would like everyone to know that he will make sure I use the flame thrower in a calm and responsible manner.
Well, where's the fun in THAT?
Says the woman who set water on fire.
Well, where's the fun in THAT?
Oh, lots of fun. We have A List. It's different than Pete's List.
Mark's predictions for Angel 1 and Buffy 4 are up. Heh. Both on what's right and what's wrong.
And what's right, but on the wrong show. (Cordy)
Aw, Mark likes Riley! And it turns out other people like Riley too, though the general consensus is we like him in season four but not so much in season five, which makes sense.
Also, this terrible line:
JOOOYYYYCCCCEEEEEE. I always forget that she has a job working for a museum. Hopefully, she makes enough money to not have an aneurysm from paying for Buffy’s books.
Someone pointed out that Buffy's "I hope it's a funny aneurysm" is horribly sad in retrospect.
"Mark Has Feels. Let Mark Share Them With You." This is huge bold letters made me snorfle. Oh, he knows he's ridiculous. But I'm into his schtick.