That too, but I feel like a line like "Say 'uncle.' Oh, that's right, you killed my uncle" implies that there's a component of vengeance in there as well. Perhaps a small one. I mean, I don't think she's super beaten up about it because she's no longer the woman she was, but I think there's some of it in there.
I sometimes remind my brother he broke my jaw when we were kids. It was an accident, they happen. Doesn't bug me but it is instaguilt for him. He still feels guilt. I just sometimes feel the weather.
The author of Twilight claims she knew nothing about vampire lore.
It’s not something the writers could have done, but it seemed like a conscious choice to include that in the script.
I'ma guess he meant to say unconscious.
That's what I wonder, but I still don't know what is preventing them from doing it consciously. Why isn't it something they could have done...and then did,
If not the writers, then who?
Isn't that sort of what writers DO?
And she hadn't read Dracula - in the interview I read she said she doesn't read vampire books because if they are too close to hers then that upsets her and if it's really different it upsets her. But she has seen parts of Inverview with a Vampire and Lost Boys, but not much because it grossed her out.
Yep, that's what I've seen in a bunch of interviews with her. Doesn't read horror (and has made comments that have a very strong subtext of that the horror genre is bad, disgusting, and evil), and was too freaked/grossed out by Interview With The Vampire and Lost Boys to finish watching them. These are just a few of the reasons Stephanie Meyer makes me full of rage.
I've seen the argument that Meyer is being subversive or ... I don't know...that some how her ignorance of the genre is the same as what Joss was doing with Buffy.
She's not, she's just willfully ignorant on the subject and I don't want to read that....unless I take that class on vampire literature at the community college and I'm forced to.
What I find so weird about Meyer is that most of the authors I know (generally from here) love to investigate and research whatever they are writing. It seems weird to just start writing.
It seems weird to just start writing.
And yet, in her case, lucrative.