It seems like there should be a different word for something that's more like self-manslaughter, rather than self-murder, which is what we think of as suicide.
Don't know what that word would be, but it'd be a reasonable word to have. I mean we refer to people behaving as though they have a death-wish, taking "unreasonable" risks.
GRIS! How was NoCA? How's married life?
GRIS! How was NoCA? How's married life?
NoCa was amazing. Married life is, thus far, awesome. Though so far remarkably similar to shacking-up life. That should change once we move out of NYC next year though (we're thinking Nashville and a house).
Woo! I can recommend Nashville! Though, uh, it's not entirely certain that we'll still be here in a year. But not unlikely, either.
i'll be here! Kate, it's really a shame that we still haven't managed to meet up.
I might be in Nashville briefly in November! I have industry peeps to see, but may also have free time!
Everybody I've spoken to in the ENTIRE WORLD seems to love Nashville. Well, okay, not my scared-of-cities country relatives, though they, at least, are happy I will be closer to Louisiana.
But we should head back towards topic. Buffy is a great show! Though my wife is not a fan. She dislikes the camp, sadly. (She loved Firefly and Dollhouse, though.)
Double-clicks are bad for the internets.
"Bad for me; bad for America."
tiggy, ack, I know! We'll have to make a plan soon. My October weekends are, ridiculously, completely booked up, but surely we can find a time before long. We can take it to FB to plan.
And yay for Liese coming to Nashville and potentially having free time! Let us know when you know your schedule -- I'd love to see you.
...Er, that Buffy sure is a great show!