There's identify with, and there's want to be. I was Xander. I wanted to be Faith.
Edit: Or would have done, if there'd been Buffy in high school. Why wasn't there Buffy in high school? Would have helped! (Blimmin' Dawson's Creek was all there was.)
I totally identified with Buffy, especially in seasons 5&6. And 2. Which is probably why they are my favorite.
Who doesn't want to be Faith?
Actually, I have met women who said they didn't, but I think they were fooling themselves.
Who doesn't want to be Faith?
Well, it would be cool to have that "I don't give a shit" attitude that Faith has - but I wouldn't want all her self-hatred. One of the scenes that always makes me tear up is the one in "Who Are You?" when she's beating Buffy (herself) and yelling "you're nothing." Man, that's upsetting.
Maybe to be Faith after she went to prison and liked herself a lot more.
I'll take Faith's body and her mad skills but I'd rather have Xander's personality.
I never wanted to be Faith. She never seemed happy.
I'd rather have Xander's personality.
By season seven, sure. NSM season one.
There's no one on Buffy I'd really totally like to have been. Maybe Spike, for a while. But not for long.
I ided with Buffy in the last few season -- It was Willow or xander in earlier seasons. And always, part of me was Giles.
A bet a lot more women would like to be Emma Peel than Faith. Well allowing for the number who have not heard of Emma Peel. Also for those who go for "vulnerable badass" I suspect a fair number would like to be Aeryn Sun. Omitting the preganancies and freezing and stuff. Also Zoe in Firefly perhaps?