I think my all-time favorite is Restless. Similarly, I think "Chosen" would be up there for me. But Becoming 1 & 2 are really the anchors to any top 10 list. Those 4 eps and "The Body" are the only ones I know for certain would be on my personal top 10 list.
Vortex, I know what you mean about "The Prom." It is really an emotionally satisfying ep, and leaves me with allergies every time.
On the DVDs?
P-C gets it, sorry... incomplete caffeine consumption this morning = incoherent posting.
Vortex, I know what you mean about "The Prom." It is really an emotionally satisfying ep, and leaves me with allergies every time.
Aside from the allergies, it addressed my biggest problem with the show - what the fuck is wrong with the people in Sunnydale that they don't fucking notice that it's infested with demons?!?!?! But, they made me feel better, and explained it in such a teenaged fashion "whenever something weird was going on, you seemed to show up and stop it"
or tripping and being stabbed with a barbecue fork.
I don't get Logo, but saw the listings and was "WTF?" Then I figured it must be some sort of "Best" list, in order of rank, because in order of the show, it'd be very confusing.
My all-time favorite ep. is "The Body," and is, IMO, one of the best episodes of any show ever shown on TV. Some of this comes from my own personal experiences, but it captured the horror and banality of the death of a loved one like nothing I've ever seen. I think my faves are in line with a lot of others here, "The Prom," "Becoming I & II," etc.
One of the things I enjoyed about BtVS was that even in realy bad episodes, there'd be some redeeming scene or feature. My fave of this is in "Bad Eggs," at the end when Buffy & Angel are in the cemetary the camera pans across to a headstone that reads, "In loving memory." The next episode Angel loses his soul. I've interpreted the camera pan as a bit of foreshadowing to the death of the B/A relationship. It certainly was never the same.
And how much do I love it that even after all these years, we can still discuss fave episodes? Lots and lots and lots, that's how much.