Cultural Leanings author is still working on buffy, and this sentence had me cracking up (where's ita?):
Let’s get this out of the way first: I am fairly certain that Kendra has one of the worst accents I have ever seen on a television show. It reminds me of Gabrielle Anwar’s accent early in Burn Notice, that sort of cross between Irish and something vaguely Caribbean which never settles on anything even close to consistency.
Did she get better the second time around? I heard somewhere they didn't tell her she would have an accent until a couple days before filming.
Did she get better the second time around?
Not so much. Rasta Leprechaun covers it.
Well, I think that we kinda loved to hate the rasta leprechaun and would have missed it if it had improved.
Speak for yourself. I wouldn't have missed it for a second.
We never learned much about Kendra. Maybe she was born in the caribbean and raised in Brigadoon.
LOL - that is so absurd and yet why am I laughing?
We never learned much about Kendra. Maybe she was born in the caribbean and raised in Brigadoon.
Is it bad that for a few seconds there, Kendra became my favorite character?
I love that. And I always kind of liked Kendra, terrible accent notwithstanding.