Since I'm off on Fridays now (yay, reduced income), I'm still watching Buffy S3. The Prom still makes me cry, though not in as many points as it used to.
I used to cry at: (1) Angel dumping Buffy in the sewer [worst. breakup. ever.], (2) Buffy crying on Willow's lap post-breakup, and (3) the Class Protector scene.
Now, I got teary when (1) Buffy told Giles that Angel was leaving her and Giles said that he understood these things called for ice cream, and (2) the Class Protector scene.
Now I'm on to Graduation Day Pt. 1, and I just need to reiterate how much I love the mayor.
I love The Gift because it has good emotional resonance, but its logic is pretty nonexistent, so whether I consider it good writing/showcrafting sort of depends on my mood that day.
Home was great.
I LOVED Not Fade Away.
Chosen... I didn't love it. I loved some bits of it, but not it as a whole.
Finale rankings:
Graduation Day
Not Fade Away
The parts of Home that are about Angel & Connor
Prophecy Girl
The Gift
To Shanshu in LA
There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb
The parts of Home not involving Angel & Connor
I'm not sure anything in Buffy or Angel ever got me so much as the montage of all those girls becoming slayers. In that moment, the show was talking to me.
I have not finished watching "Angel" yet.
I thought I did, but it seems like not.
ha. though I would put "There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb" dead last.
I'm not sure anything in Buffy or Angel ever got me so much as the montage of all those girls becoming slayers.
That made me cry. That montage summed up what the show was about, the whole heart of it, to me.
I remember thinking I must have no soul during the W&P of that montage, because I found it unbearably cheesy and annoying.
I can't rank The Gift too low since it was an S5 viewing party where I first met JZ. But it didn't have much impact on me since I knew Buffy would be back next season and the Dawn's blood asspull really bugged.
Home was the best Angel finale. AtS always had problems with seasonal arcs and pacing, I think. Though, as it later turned out, a lot of those decisions were driven by things like Charisma having to go into rehab.
The Jasmine storyline made no fucking sense whatsoever.