I've only seen the movie which I thought was pretty hilarious. Boring but funny.
then I got home from a trip and needed brain candy, and just over a week later I had read nearly 2500 pages of overly angsty, but otherwise pretty good writing.
Really? The writing in the excerpts I've read from the books is just horrible. Really, really terrible stuff.
I'm sure we all have our own definition of "pretty good". D said Eragon was pretty good. I found it unreadable.
I think the pages of "Twilight" are coated in crack. Cause it was only after that I thought "What the hell was that?"
But then I laughed like hell when I read that someone asked Jerry Stahl what the worst thing heroin made him do was and he said "The Maury Povich Show"
erika may be right. There was a lot of repetitiveness, but I liked her descriptions. And, like Laga, I found Eragon unreadable. I think I made it a few chapters in by force of will, and then I just couldn't take it anymore.
I used to love crappy romances, but can't usually even read those anymore.
The first few chapters of Eragon read like they were written by a 15 year old. -- Middle and end were different. More polished.
It makes me mad to read crap that someone made money on when most of the fan fiction I've read is amazingly well written. (I pretty much only read fanfic I'm linked to from b.org)
On a lighter note...
Who's interested in a rewatch starting with Buffy season 1? When's a good time for you? (I favor Tuesday nights but my schedule is unpredicatable).
Being across the pond, I could do Tuesday nights but it would be afternoon for you guys. Can watch and then post on Wednesday though! Great idea, Laga.