I've not read Twilight (although a friend recently bought me the book), nor seen the movie, and yet, somehow, I feel confident that I like this ending better. I especially like all the copyright talk both on the remix and on the website. It would have been fun to see more specific stuff about the creator's fair use analysis. It does seem like a plausible fair use analysis could be made, although I'm sure some would argue otherwise.
It just so happens that
Buffistas are cruising
right to my town
next month, so I may relent and actually admit to the
existence of said "hotel lobby". I may even be able to keep myself from saying, "neener, neener!"
Oops. I guess not.
The Boy and I are slowly making our way through all the seasons of Buffy and Angel -- we're up to Buffy S6 and Angel S3. We watched "Smashed" tonight.
The house-destroying Buffy/Spike sex? Still hot.
CJ and I started a Buffy rewatch yesterday. We are mid-S2 now. I'm watching episodes I usually skip. I think I bounced the whole way through School Hard.
We watched "Smashed" tonight.
Remember JessiMoon's mnemonic: Smashed is Smashing, Wrecked is a wreck. Or was that Sophia's?
Must have been Sophia - I dont remember saying it.
I don't remember saying it, either, but it sounds like something that I might have said! Man, Wrecked waas so disappointing after Smashed!
"Wrecked" would have been disappointing after "Spiral."
obligatory "I love 'Spiral'"
SLNRLBF and I are watching Buffy via Hulu, or were until my computer was giving me all the problems. He likes it a lot, we're not too far into Season 1 , the last episode we watched was I Robot, You Jane.
It was extremely funny to be watching the show online and chatting via Skpye with the man I met online in Second Life.
But he loves the show and especially likes Willow. It's neat to watch it with someone who has never seen it before and doesn't know what's going to happen.