Robert Pattinson, beware: The CW is planning to air a vampire series of its own. The new pilot is titled 'Vampire Diaries,' and is about a woman who can't decide between vampire brothers, according to Variety. 'Diaries' will be co-written by Kevin Williamson of 'Dawson's Creek' fame.
It's based off a series of YA novels which, while not brilliant, are fun and less eye-rollingly dumb than the Twilight books.
well, what does that mean, really?
It means, as usual, "we aren't aiming for Buffy."
Boring? Well, a bit. But then, I disliked Firefly's pilots for that reason, and ended up loving that show.
This is the first thing I've heard about Dollhouse that gives me hope I'll like it. I still think it's going to be cancelled fast.
I know I'm slow here, but I liked the first ep of Dollhouse more than I expected to. And while I liked the pilot of Firefly, I was kind of meh about The Train Job when it aired (still one of my least favorite eps, except I can't help loving the end even though I think it's kind of out of character). And, as anyone who's ever seen me post here before probably realizes, I think of Firefly as my one. true. show.
Sooo, I'm hopeful about the quality and not optimistic about the odds of it lasting.
Does anyone else have the feeling that the better the quality turns out to be, the less likely Fox will be to keep it?
Does anyone else have the feeling that the better the quality turns out to be, the less likely Fox will be to keep it?
of course. The best reviewed shows are rarely the most popular. Dollhouse isn't suffering from too many raves, though... so far.
To be fair, Viva Laughlin only lasted half as long as Wonderfalls. The cancellation axe's speed can sometimes be a mercy.
Though really, I think Viva Laughlin was pretty much cancelled as soon as Hugh Jackman got down off that craps table.
I forget, was that before or after Melanie Griffith sang? 'Cause that would have killed the show dead unless she was also sleeping with Les Moonves. And he was deaf.
Before. Melanie singing ensured that the masters would be burned, I think...
From way back;
One of my "Forever!!1" Tv episodes is H:LOTS "Three Men And Adena" and it's not even my favorite is my favorite because I am a freak. "3 Men" noteworthy because it feels like the first time every time. Like this time Timmy's gonna get his man and be Okay, though of course...
The last scene of my very favorite ep is fuckin' eerie now, since Ms. Shelley was murdered and she says"If it happens to me, it's good to know you're out there," (shudder)