should not be dating anyone who falls under the category of "Have Watched on Screen Sexually and Had as Wallpaper on My Laptop."
Heh. The towel she toweled her wet hair off with on Sunday has been hanging on the back of a chair in our kitchen, and I keep fixating on it and thinking, "How very strange. That towel has touched the hair of someone Plei, RL, and probably numerous other Buffistas have fantasized about."
But possibly I have a peculiar need to relate anything and everything back to Buffistas, even if it has some claim to fame in its own right. This morning I caught a glimpse of Rio's Saget on a documentary on Sundance, and I didn't understand a word he said: just kept sitting there, coffee mug in hand, thinking, "Huh, so THAT'S the face of Rio's nookie-on-tap."
By the way, Hec, Phil, who falls under the category of "People I've Met Socially" should not be dating anyone who falls under the category of "Have Watched on Screen Sexually and Had as Wallpaper on My Laptop."
It's weird, huh? Not as weird as hearing her voice all day, 'cuz you know...Distinctive Voice.
On the flipside, I think she's making proper use of her money and celebrity. She's basically living the life that Jilli or Erin would if they had the ready cash. It's not like she's sitting around making babies with Warren Beatty. She's off traveling to Paris on shopping trips with her gay best friends, or shooting up to Vegas for poker tournaments with her gambler boyfriend. And that's just the last month.
but I need a prompt, else I'll start a FCM: Darla, Dru, Harmony.
I need to run far away now.
else I'll start a FCM: Darla, Dru, Harmony.
Easy-peasy: F Dru, C Harmony, M Darla. Wait, isn't that the same choice Angel made? Oh well, still works for me.
Hmmm: Discussion topics.
Ok, what Buffy or Angel character do you think would best survive/get by on:
Veronica Mars'
High School
And, Teppy, not
What's our next Deep Thoughts for the thread?
Who is more important to Gunn, Wesley or Angel?
Alibelle told me that this one was too easy, since to her the answer was clearly Angel, but I disagree with her.
I pick Wesley. True, this is largely because I discount most of S3 on the grounds that it was Pod!Gunn and not Real!Gunn, but I do that because I never did buy that Gunn would side with Angel over Wesley.
Angel was always a boss to Gunn, not a friend. It was mutual as well. Angel’s dream of true happiness, the one that led to Angelus being set free, showed how little Gunn meant to Angel. I think Wesley was the first person who viewed Gunn as a brother in arms, and a true friend, rather than as a leader or a hired soldier. He took a bullet for Gunn, and that has to mean something.
Also, they are the OTP.
Yeah, Teppy.
I'm disagreeing with you, Perkins. I can't see Gunn becoming a contractor for Wes. It was Angel who brought Gunn into the broader city/fight. All the major events in Gunn's life during the series were precipitated by Angel, IMO. Brain not coming up with them at the moment, though, apart from the W&H deal