I'm rewatching as I'm introducing a friend to Angel, and I'd forgotten how quickly out of the gate it was more gay than some gay porn. Ah, sweet Doyle.
I had to rewind the "maybe I'm a little bit attracted" scene for the friend to highlight the coat flare. "Aren't you at least a little bit gay now?"
He's not, yet. But perhaps by the end of season 2.
If "Dead End" can't manage the job, he's unslashable.
By Tim, I think I can get him there. There are some things too big to fight.
You know you're a
fan, when you read a thread title, "The trouble with BA Christians," and think it's some new battle in the 'shipper wars.
I'm pretty sure some of you will agree with this.
new Buffy comic strip
d - I just got net-nannied trying to hit that site. Darn it.
Not THAT big a deal to say twice. Geeesh.
It's amusing, but the author should have caught the typo for "7."
d - I just got net-nannied trying to hit that site. Darn it.
Same here. Well, different program, same idea.