That's my logic.
My last name is hyphenated. The first one is my father's name-the second is my ex-husband's name. is my name.
It helps that I like my ex and my father has met his reward.
As someone who is very name identified as a professional, I'd have a hard time changing it at this late date, remarriage or no.
I turned the tv on this morning and the Buffy was "The Body" and the Angel was "Reprise!"
My mom kept her married name so we matched. A few years ago when I was about 33 and she was 60, she changed back to her maiden name. Not sure what got up her nose about it, but she went to DMV and social security one day and made a bunch of phone calls after that - and boom...changed back.
The name she kept for close to 40 years had 14 letters, two hyphens, and was a bitch to pronounce.
I'm not going back to my maiden name, ever.
My mom kept her married name, even though she thought my dad was nigh on to the devil incarnate, because she thought it was important to have the same name as the kids (mostly me, because my siblings were much older). At this point, I think she'd rather have her maiden name, but changing it seems like to much of a pain.
I kept my married name because it was SO much prettier and easier to spell than my maiden name.
Just watched Faith, Hope, and Trick. Noticed the Buffy/Angel theme music much more this time. Now have it stuck in my head.
"Doo doo doo. Doo-doo doo doo doo dooooooooooooo"
(If you can sing the song with those doo's, you like Buffy.)
Gris, are you sure it's not:
Daa duh dah, da dah duh da,
Daa duh dah, da dah duh da
That's IT!
Private message for Cindy:
Are you getting the Somervillian email stuff? Will you possibly be able to stop by for Emily's party? I'ma gonna be there! I think!
Gris, I'm not sure we're going to be around. I will ping you (and the list), when I know for sure.