Heee, I fell for it too at first. Sorry to be cruel, but I couldn't resist! Surely the line about DB not being in it because "no one really liked him anyway" was a dead giveaway?
Alibelle, in my case it's because I only just found it. If I'd seen it on 4/1, rest assured I would have posted it then.
Good Buffy/Angel screencap sites?
Got it, arby. Someone else posted something about GoogleGulp, somewhere, too. And then there was a third example, as well, that I no longer remember. I was just getting a little confused.
NovaChild, are you looking for something like this?
Hmm. That doesn't seem to have a lot of screencaps, really. I'm looking for something more along the lines of this, only with Buffy rather than Veronica Mars.
However, it's not that important anymore. I just made my own from the DVD. =)
I have one bookmarked at home, Nova. I think it's called Raining Dreams, and I was happy with it when I used to make icons.
Hmm. Thanks, Lyra, I'll do a google and see what I come up with.
Awesome. Thanks. That will probably come in handy if I actually get into icon/layout making. Which... I might.
Too much free time is probably bad.
Is it portentious foreshadowing?
In "Birthday" AtSS3, Cordelia's birthday cake features Wonder Woman!
Surely, I'm way behind the curve and folks already noticed that.
I love the detaily details of the Jossverse.