I still like Dawny. I think as much for the potential as the result, but that's what I like about all of Seasons 5 and 6.
I'm a big fan of potential. Part of why I love some interestyng but mediocre movies like
Ella Enchanted.
Also, Michelle Trachtenburg is pretty.
I liked Wesley Crusher. I think I was just the right age.
Wil Wheaton is hawt.
I feel bad because if you read the scripts they did spend some time developing Dawn into a more interesting, mordant character, but her lines kept getting cut.
I might have to check them out. I tend not to read tv or movie scripts as I'm not good at visualizing from them. Kind of odd considering how much I love reading everything else, even scripts for plays.
Psst, Ailleann,
I don't know about right age or not, but I usually liked Wesley Crusher too,
and agree with you and Hec that Wil Wheaton is an interesting guy and not hard on the eyes at all.
Packing update - I think I'm about 80% done. Still need to run some stuff through the wash. Gah - I don't think I've taken an 11 day break since my honeymoon which was almost 19 years ago. I feel like I need to pack EVERYTHING!
raise your hand if you think Suzi is in the wrong thread
Oh hell. I deleted, but Perkins still caught me.
That's because I'm quick like a bunny.
That's because I'm quick like a bunny.
Which is one of the reasons why Clovis thinks you're a good minion.
(that's a good thing, right?)
(that's a good thing, right?)
What's good for Clovis is good for America.