I got my copy of Luminosity's Scooby Road (which premiered during Vividcon 2005) last night, and I think someone should totally make copies (alas, I'm too tech-ignorant for this) for lovers of Buffy the character, especially Cindy and Nilly. In short, this is a series of vids that encompasses all of seven seasons of Buffy, set to the entirety of Beatles' "Abbey Road". I think that even those who haven't gotten into vids all that much would find things to be amazed about in this set, as long as they love the show. Each vid is brilliant, but it's more of a concert piece--it's the impact of the vid album as a whole that makes watching it so memorable. I've watched it several times since I got my copy yesterday, and it never fails to reduce me to tears by the end.
I don't know if Lum is going to make more copies (she's mailed out a huge batch of it just last week), but a little bird told me the vids may be available for downloading for a brief period of time some time in the future, so keep your ears peeled if interested.
Hee, though we can't continue to call ourselves "Fans for a Naked Gunn."
well you could always be FONG (Fans OF a Naked Gunn)
Also appearing in the show will be Eric Balfour, of short-lived (har) fame as Jesse.
I KNEW I recognized that name. There goes any cred I had.
If JAR is playing a lawyer, I will laaaaaugh.
Then laaaaaugh away. The premise of the show is based on young and ambitious ADAs. All signs point to JAR in expensive, well-cut suits.
well you could always be FONG (Fans OF a Naked Gunn)
That's a given, even if it's only ever happened in my head.
edit: Just because the "g" is silent doesn't mean I can ignore it.
I KNEW I recognized that name.
He was also a fairly semi-regular character in early Six Feet Under.
And he was in Day 1 of
And whatshername's boyfriend in The O.C.
He was also a fairly semi-regular character in early Six Feet Under.
And he was in Day 1 of 24.
And whatshername's boyfriend in The O.C.
Huh. None of them were/are on my watch list. No wonder it was this vague sense of recognition...
The premise of the show is based on young and ambitious ADAs. All signs point to JAR in expensive, well-cut suits.
ah, the magic of hollywood. no ADA I know can afford well cut suits.
I know one who can, but he also owns the krav centre.
eta: Whoops, he's the deputy DA. Never mind.
DB's publicist is doing a bang-up job. First a page in the most recent people, then a story with pic in today's USA Today on the work he's doing with
cop advisors to look like he really knows how to shoot combined with some bits on what a good husband and dad he is.
edit: the story calls him a heartthrob.
Also, a recent story about the Buffy boxed set refers to "the brilliant James Marsters." Yay, publicists and fans who write for major publications.