Okay, now I do remember it. How wrong.
Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
t does chopped liver impersonation
[I guess I just needed the proper WRONG person explaining the WRONGness (tho' not wrong 'Ness) to remind me.]
Ooh! Pate!
I think that was the episode that accidentally got left off the nomination ballots.
I remember thinking that when they annnounced the Emmys would be showing a scene from OMWF for their "Best of the Year in TV" montage, Joss should have sent them the clip from "Going Through the Motions" where Buffy sings "Nothing here is real/Nothing here is right!"
What was your favorite HSQ moment from Buffy?
How about Angel?
Angel: Pillowcase to the face!
Buffy: I'd like to test that theory (aka GILES)
Angel: Either Pillowcase to the face or Opening the door to show Justine bound and gagged
Angel: Drusilla re-vamping Darla.
Buffy: Giles showing up at the end of "Two to Go". That's the right episode title, right?