The various magazines are giving Bones good previews. They're saying DB and the lead actress have good chemistry, like a less stuffy Mulder and Scully. Plus, DB in suits! Yummy. (I don't recall any magazines saying 'Yummy,' that was purely my editorial comment)
Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
Does it start tonight?
pretending that she didn't give out bad info last week
yup, 8PM on Fox. Are we going to watch 'n post?
Crap. Forgot to set it to tape. Must get out of work on time. I'm up for a W&P.
I am in dire straits, because it comes on opposite Gilmore Girls. So, I must tivo gilmore girls and watch Bones in the bedroom. which works out, actually, since that's where the computer is for the W&P
I hate watching shows on Fox, because I've got to suffer through all the ads for the dreck that's also on Fox, like the asinine local news. It's enough to make one want a Tivo.
heh, connie. That's why I post during the commercials :)
I have a question about "Surprise" and "Innocence", which I watched with a friend last night. What, exactly, was Jenny Calendar supposed to be doing in Sunnydale re: Angel? It always sort of makes sense while I'm watching the episode, but when I try to think about it afterwards, I get confused.
She was sent there by her Romanian Gypsy People to "watch" Angel, right? But she didn't have any real information on what would make him go evil again? Because she tells Buffy how sorry she is, and how she would have told her if she'd known that sex would turn him into Angelus. So I have no idea what she was actually supposed to be doing. I mean, keeping an eye on Angel is all well and good, but if you don't know how to prevent him from losing his soul, it doesn't make much sense. And then Buffy and Giles get mad at her for not telling them she was there to watch Angel. But she was still on their side, right? She wanted him souled just as much as they did. I guess I just don't understand why she had to keep that secret from them.
It was Joss's first retcon, and one of his better ones, too.
She was sent there by her Romanian Gypsy People to "watch" Angel, right? But she didn't have any real information on what would make him go evil again? Because she tells Buffy how sorry she is, and how she would have told her if she'd known that sex would turn him into Angelus. So I have no idea what she was actually supposed to be doing. I mean, keeping an eye on Angel is all well and good, but if you don't know how to prevent him from losing his soul, it doesn't make much sense. And then Buffy and Giles get mad at her for not telling them she was there to watch Angel. But she was still on their side, right? She wanted him souled just as much as they did. I guess I just don't understand why she had to keep that secret from them.
Well there isn't anything more specific that makes Angel loses his soul than experiencing one true moment of happiness in which he ceases to suffer for all the evil he wrought. Doesn't she make a point of telling Uncle Enyos that Angel still suffers, that he even makes amends, and saved her life?
I've always just accepted that she understands that if he stops suffering he'll lose his soul, and she was just to report back to her elders, if she saw that happening. I figure when he took Eyghon into himself and saved her life, she started to get lax and probably thought his conscience was strong enough if he took such a risk for someone he barely knew.
Besides, she's not really on Buffy and Giles' side. She's on assignment from a people who serve vengeance. Still, had she told them it was possible for him to lose his soul--which I don't think any of the Scoobies gave too much thought to, Angel included--odds are they would have done some research.
t heresy I don't find it unbelievable that she didn't tell them though, because I mostly think Jenny was a little nasty anyhow, and I greatly enjoy watching Angelus snap her neck.