I can burn many copies, no worries.
Belatedly, please count me in, too.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
I can burn many copies, no worries.
Belatedly, please count me in, too.
Another belated plea for counting-in-age, accompanied by promises of shipping and materials recompense.
If I didn't make it clear, I hereby request to add to your burden.
Of course, since it's digital, we could establish a burning tree (maybe it's a bush..) whereupon those able to duplicate the DVD are given the first go-round, and each distributes from there.
It's the Buffista trapazoid scheme.
I would also love a copy, and I don't mind waiting for a 2nd or 3rd generation copy.
To whom/where do I send my prepaid mailer? Or, conversely, a check? Cookies? Glitter? Bath bombs?
Here's what's happening with the pilot and outtakes - juliana is sending me the tape, I will transfer it to DVD and find out how long it takes me to burn copies. If that part of the process slows everything down, we might want to set up a tree; if not, I'll just burn bunches of copies. So I think we need to gather more data before checks go anywhere.
New motto: "Burn two, the rest are food."
I'm watching School Hard.
I miss Spike.
I'm looking at linoleum.
I miss Spike, too.
Need to restore somebody's soul?
Just think -- you can pre-order your very own Orb of Thessulah now!