It would be interesting to get together all the Buffista miscellania on tape and make one kickass pirate DVD for us and only us.
'Life of the Party'
Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
I did enjoy the scene where Xander was showing her the various groups.
I did enjoy the scene where Xander was showing her the various groups.
Yeah, that's the only thing from the unaired pilot thatI wish had stayed in the aired version.
Double checked with a buddy - apparantly, "the suck" was used in the 80s by surfers. Who knew? (Besides Joss.)
Sometimes I watch ten year old episodes of Buffy or NewsRadio (is Buffy ten yet?) or old song lyrics and I hear slang I only discovered minutes ago, like "bling" and that kind of stuff. I used to assume I was only behind the curve by, like, a year or two, rather than an entire decade.
Noumenon, it might be a case of it not really being all that common when those things were made, but became so subsequently. Sometimes made famous by those things, sometimes not so much.
Which do people think was better, the first episode of Buffy, or the first episode of Angel?
I'm too biased to answer that. As much as I liked Angel, Buffy was my show first. So, yeah, in my mind WttH was better than CoA.
It's hard to make that call also because of how familiar some of the characters were when Angel aired. I'd have to say I was more taken with the first ep of Buffy when I finally saw it. I'm not sure the first ep of Angel, had I seen it cold, would have pinged me the same way.
That pilot was a trip. Wow. So funny seeing some of the mannerisms and gestures from SMG from way back that carried all the way through. It's been a while since I watched any BtVS, so maybe that's why it was so striking. She was very different by S7, but there were still some things....
And, yeah, yay for AH.
You know what I'd love to see - and who knows if such a thing still exists, if ever it did - CC testing for Buffy, and SMG testing for Cordelia. Who knows if there was ever any footage of it, but that'd just be fun to see.
I didn't see the first episode/season of Buffy until after I was in love with it. I found BtVS in season 3. I have often wondered if I'd caught WTTH/TH, if it would have captured me--and maybe not. By the same token, I know that for well into season 1 of Angel, I held on and kept watching it, simply because it was an expansion to the 'verse, and a spin-off. I watched not strictly out of loyalty, but it was a sort of loyalty, in that I had faith in the creative team, and an interest in what happened to Angel and Cordelia.
AtS 1x01 was tighter, and holds up better on rewatch.