Also- time is what turns kittens into cats!!!!
'Life of the Party'
Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
Today, I took a deep dive (with an epic picspam recap) on the 20th anniversary of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series premiere. For work. For pay? What?
Please take a look back with me. If you enjoy, please tweet it out to the aether. [link]
Buffy is leaving Netflix at the end of the month.
I did not know this. I have the DVDs, but still, I like my Buffy accessible. Thanks for the heads up, Scola.
Now the question remains, can I mainline 142* episodes of BtVS in one month? Challenge accepted!
- I know there are 144 total, but I watched WTTH and TH, today, for the anniversary and while I was crafting the picspam recap.
did no one say Double Meat Palace for worst ep?
I want to say Trio was the one I hated most at the time of airing. But my tape of Doublemeat Palace messed up and I've never felt the need to obtain a replacement for a rewatch in 15 years.
I have started a rewatch at S. 5. I was doing okay coping with Dawn and Capt. Cardboard but then Ben came on the scene. Sigh. I forgot about him.
Amy Adams in Family!
Psst, Sue. Ben is Glory.
Ben is Glory.
I watched "Welcome to the Hellmouth", "The Harvest", "Witch" and part of "Teacher's Pet" before Netflex went balky on me last night.
Everyone is so young. Giles is ridiculously young. And the actress who plays Amy's mom? Who is she? I feel like I've seen her in other things.
Buffy is leaving Netflix at the end of the month.