Pretty sure that was MBTV/TWOP. Ace and Sep were pretty good when they were snarking on actual problems with the episodes, catastrophically less so when they tried to make it a statement about the show as a whole.
'Harm's Way'
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
Pretty sure that was MBTV/TWOP. Ace and Sep were pretty good when they were snarking on actual problems with the episodes, catastrophically less so when they tried to make it a statement about the show as a whole.
Forgot how appalling s3 Buffy bangs are. *shudder*
As much as I disliked later Season 6, early on Buffy looked fantastic. Being resurrected from the dead may have screwed her over emotionally, but damn, did it involve one hell of a makeover.
One of my friends just texted that she is starting a Buffy re-watch and I felt compelled to explain I am still on a message board that started with Buffy and why is she not rewatching WITH ME.
I'm home sick today and just finished my Buffy re-watch. Man, S7 was a slog but it ended strong. Also, very dark and hard to hear!
I started rewatching Buffy.
I just recently finished an Angel re-watch and loved it.
Now, I'm inspired to rewatch Buffy. Or, maybe Firefly.
Seriously, this interview with Marsters is one of the best articles about Buffy I've ever read.
Good stuff.