It was more difficult than I expected.
I still have thousands of unread messages. In the Angel thread I am only a day or so after the finale. I read one page of posts from time to time to drag it out.
It works for me to have a current thread for discussion without having to rush to catch up on the old threads. YthreadreadinghabitsMV
It was more difficult than I expected.
Yeah, unsubbing from
Am I Done?
kind of gave me a pang.
Too early. New Thread. Must Go Shower.
For me, it was more the disconcert of seeing the thread closed with fewer than 4000 posts in it, like we'd done something wrong and were being punished or something.
P-C, reading your LJ post made me want to watch The Prom. Which is TOTALLY a BuffyNAngle4Eva!!!!!11 episode, so it seems fitting. I'll probably play video games instead.
t Natter
I've decided that my native schedule is 24 hours awake followed by 10 hours asleep. This makes for really weird scheduling.
t /Natter
Morning, shippers. Welcome to 4EVA. Gronk.
Somehow I thought there'd be cookies.
Together again. How strange.
Hey JS, I'll see you in a couple of days!
I'm baking cookies as we speak. Plenty for everyone.
Closing the Angel thread...given my current obsession with the Season 5 discs I can't seem to send back to sad making. Trying to keep a stiff upper over never. having. any. more. is even harder.