I've watched Bastille Day and I'm downloading s1 ep4. I'm not watching any of the current BSG until I watch last season, hopefully I'll get caught up by the time they come back from hiatus.
I was very meh on SG1, mostly because I really haven't watched it.
SGA was good. I just have really shallow thoughts. I was pleased to see Rodney acting competent with a weapon, when it was just him and Dr. Beckett, he had his gun out while Dr. Beckett was wandering around without his. Athough Beckett did shot Ellea. Rodney and Ronan must be bonding over food.
the podcast reveals that Moore admits the line makes no sense
They do, also that they thought it was cool/creepy/mystical. Just, you know, they couldn't exactly explain it if you were to ask. Glowy spine sex, anyone? (Well, not exactly the same thing, I guess. Still.)
I didn't even realize that's not what I was supposed to be thinking. Starbuck really seemed to think they were on Earth. That's what it felt like to me.
I think Starbuck knew they weren't on Earth; she was just the first to click on, "Oh, this is what we'd see from Earth," which is itself pretty moving -- if we eve make it to this place, this is what we'll see. (Not that you can see all of the constallations at once, but, yeah, whatever - close enough).
Hologramish thing.
The beat where Six tells Baltar she's just his subconcious torturing him, and they both stand up at the same time, her mirroring his movement - brilliant. Maybe/maybe not intentional, but brilliant.
The opening scene was great; shades of KLG I. This show really just rocks my world.
Atlantis: When Shep said, "Don't make me do this," he played that nicely; I got a little choked up there. So, er, he's gonna have problems from the attempted feeding, huh? I have to rewatch the whole thing. I was very distracted during.
Stargate: The scene with Cam handing out the patches. Sweet. Ba'al's suddent Aussie (er, or whatever it is; I'm reading in Katie's lj comments that it's S.A.? Anyway, it threw me) accent - hilarious (in that I'd not heard his actual voice before what with the being a Goa'uld). And, oh, so sexy. But Ba'al has always been a sexy thing.
Phew. And with that, I'm officially caught up with Sci-Fi Friday.
The other thing I distinctly remember from the PodCast is further mention of the glowing spine thing. It may not be as dead as we thought/hoped.
On Atlantis, I think we're going to have a triple-echo resnance with Ford, Ellea, and John (next week), especially with the "don't make me do this" Jen, I think the problem's going to be from the blood mingling, and the virus (although how exactly they'll rationalize it...Well, this is Stargate)
although how exactly they'll rationalize it...Well, this is Stargate
I'm curious to see what they're going for with the Wraith.
BSG podcast: Yeah, I was kind of surprised to hear them mention Glowy Spine without, well, chagrin. I think one of them actually said, "Yeah, we haven't done that in a while..." Erm, and, really, you shouldn't ever again.
I'm curious to see what they're going for with the Wraith.
Yeah. I was trying to figure out what kind of nature/nurture thing they were getting at in this ep. It kinda reminded me of the issues raised by Spike. Except SGA may actually go somewhere with it.
They could PCR the glowy-spine thing to attempted or successful procreation, and I'd buy it ok, given the contexts we've seen.
The beat where Six tells Baltar she's just his subconcious torturing him, and they both stand up at the same time, her mirroring his movement - brilliant. Maybe/maybe not intentional, but brilliant.
Yes, I noticed that! That was very cool.
Hmmm, must notice that on my Monday night re-watch. Wasn't there a creepy moment in the pre-Season 2 special where TH went into Six-voice and JC reacted exactly like Baltar?
I read that the Ba'al actor is South African. Someday, when ita catches up, she's going to snark at us for thinking he was Aussie.
Global rule, folks? Female light-up body parts never an improvement. There's a REASON God didn't install LED's.
But Ba'al has always been a sexy thing.
The one-sided smile? OMG.
I think it's great EJO is so amped on his role and the show he's coming up with now! more mystical! lines. Sometimes I have to rein back the cynicism that a job is just a paycheck for actors.
Betsy -- doesn't it make you wish that these people had watched "She" before "re-imagining" BSG?
But, maybe they DID watch "She" and took the completely wrong lesson from it.