So how'd it go with the two of them commenting?
Spike ,'Selfless'
Boxed Set, Vol. II: "It's a Cookbook...A Cookbook!!"
A topic for the discussion of Farscape, Smallville, and Due South. Beware possible invasions of Stargate, Highlander, or pretty much any other "genre" show that captures our fancy. Expect Adult Content and discussion of the Big Gay Sex.
Whitefont all unaired in the U.S. ep discussion, identifying it as such, and including the show and ep title in blackfont.
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It was good. Moore's commentary usually pretty good, and the two of them interacting is really interesting. This was the first episode that David Eick wrote, so his perspective on this was interesting too.
Also, they joke around a lot, which is fun.
Yeah, I've listened to all of them so far, too, and I really enjoy them. It'll be interesting to hear them together. Huh, I missed the writing credit. I hope RM gets the time to go back and do the one he missed this season. Vacation, feh - whatever, dude. (Kidding. I actually think he's a total doll for doing them at all.)
So...if anyone should happen to know of an LJ community which is geared towards helping BSG fans, ahem, obtain episodes of the latest season (for since such communities exist for VMars and SGA, it seems possible), could they maybe tell me? Can email me if you prefer - thingsinvisibletosee at gmail dot com.
bats eyelashes
I watches SGA. I liked the episode. I really enjoyed seeing more of Ronan's backstory. He and Teyla are interesting together as friends. I was kind of shocked when Ronan shot what's his name, but I loved Teyla's reaction to his actions. ALso, she's right, none of the SG team would really understand and Weir might have made him leave.
As for the main story. Zelenka got more air time! He was great arguing with Rodney. I loved John being geeky. Rodney was an arrogant ass through most of the episode not listening to anyone and treating everyone like they are stupid, but I wasn't surprised by that. It seems to be his default mode of interpersonal interaction. He's so stubborn, and he wanted to be right so badly. If he just had a little more patience or faith in others...but then he wouldn't really be Rodney.
I was glad to hear Weir chewing out Rodney, but that it was through Ronan and Teyla, who didn't know what happened, but obviously they now know something went bad.
Rodny screwed up on such a huge level --- were they sure that the entire solar system was uninhabited? I know SG writers willd rop character development for humor, but I hope they follow up on the loss of trust between Rodney and John and the effect it will have on John and Elizabeth's relationship.
Haven't watched BSG at all this season, still haven't watched most of last season. The previews looked interesting.
Belated response to SGA S2 ep6:
Ronon's voice is just so bloody MANLY, isn't it? Rumblerumblerumble.
...Teyla managed to get an Atlantis outfit pretty sharpish, didn't she? And yet Ronon is dressed for Doctor Quinn: Medicine Woman. Not that I'm complaining. DAMN, that boy is fine.
Ooooh! Zelenka! I heart Zelenka. And he's found a hairbrush! And he's excited about physics!
Oooh! Ronon with big knife! Hot! Annoying when one's trying to barter, but still hot. (My Dad does that. Although not so much in a hot knife-weilding way, more in a notunderstandinghowbargainingworksandbelievingthatoneneedstoborrowmoney way. Which is sweet.)
Hello Skinner! Glad to see you're still involved.
Zelenka and Rodney and OtherPhysicists! Doing the Science! And bickering!
I can't decide whether or not I like her coat. Gosh, Ronon's big. And pretty. Really very pretty indeed. Did I mention the pretty? DAMN.
Fucking hell! Ronon was some guy's padawan? Hello slashy goodness! strikes me that normally I'm not all that keen on the facial hair, but it really does work on this guy. It undercuts the almost girlish prettiness of his features. (Er. I really do have the enormous crush on Ronon. Or possibly the actor playing Ronon. I haven't decided yet. But - holy mother of God, such PRETTINESS! With big shoulders! And height! And arms! And just general GUH!)
...oh dear. The Science is going to go wrong, isn't it?
...ooooh yes. Yes indeed. Goodbye Redshirt Guy. Alas, poor Collins, we knew him but fleetingly.
Well done Rodney for not blaming Collins for being incompetent.
...does David Hewlett's mouth do this drooping-down-on-the-left lopsided thing (which is cute) in general? Or just as Rodney?
God damn. Teyla, you lucky lucky girl. My drunk guyfriends have never been so painfully gorgeous. I bet you grabbed his ass 'accidentally' at some point.
Aw, Rodney. Aw. Oh bless. Rodney'n'John talking about stuff, and Rodney being all impassioned. Bless bless bless.
Hey Skinner! Is there Skinner/Weir out there yet? Probably not had enough face time for Mitch yet, or enough backstory yet? Look how lovely he is. There should be fic.
Bless John, with the trusting-Rodney. Oh shit - he said "inconceivable". Did he not SEE the Princess Bride? Never go up against an Atlantean when DEATH is on the line! Or something!
Zelenka! Love him! Love that Rodney knew Radek was there as soon as Elizabeth told him why he should stop his test. I wonder if Elizabeth finds Radek's enormous Czech brain as sexy as I do?
Rodney's arrogance is annoying, yes, but the thing is that so far they've all counted on him being every bit as clever as he thinks he is. And he has been. Every time. Saving the day when it's unsaveable.
...oh dear. Oh, McKay. Sweetheart. John trusted you. And it's all going Horribly Wrong.
...meanwhile, back in RenaissanceFaireWorld...Gosh. Ronon you have a lot to learn about communication skills - way to piss Teyla off, by dropping her in it with her contacts like this. There's surely going to be fic about Ronon and Deadguy, yes? Because I'm getting lots of BadWrongVengeance vibes here.
...oh, Rodney. Rodney Rodney Rodney. Can we say cockup? What cute little pixie ears John has. Skinner! Skinner saving the day again! (Aaand, predictably, now I want Skinner/Sheppard fic.)
Rodney destroyed 3/4 of a solar system. And I think I have bad days.
Gosh! John! Bodylanguage of PissedOffNotTrustingness! Oh dear. Although understandably.
Gutted!Rodney! Oh gosh. Oh, TheirFriendshipIsSoPrecious!
blows nose.
This was like fic!
...SG being (as far as I can gather) the home of CWC (Continuity? What Continuity?), I do hope that they don't just press the reset button next episode; we had actual character development and important relationshippy things here, with Teyla-Ronon and John-Rodney. (Or indeed Teyla/Ronon and John/Rodney.)
I'd quite like to read Rodney's apology to Zelenka, you know.
Askye, you said "If he just had a little more patience or faith in others...but then he wouldn't really be Rodney" wrt Rodney, but the thing is - so many episodes of SGA have hinged on the fact that Rodney really is as smart as he thinks he is, and really is smarter than everyone else there. And we did see Zelenka, or someone, cocking up while they had their Montage O'Science. And Rodney didn't blame Crispy Collins for the failure of the experiment, although it would have been easy and tempting to jump on the 'yep, human error' thing - he had faith in Collins' competence and understanding. And I think a big part of him being so passionate about getting this was trying to give Collins' death meaning. I don't think that was the biggest part of it - McKay with Physics is like me with story, only more so, and clearly he was gagging to follow the twisty turny path of the problem and solve the riddle for its own sake, and (to a lesser degree) for the recognition it would bring him. But I do think that Collins played some small part in making him determined to crack it.
I feel so sorry for Rodney. This is what he does, and he is pretty much as clever as he thinks he is. But he fucked up bigtime.
I love that Elizabeth has his number. I love that John trusted Rodney more than he trusted his own instincts. I do hope that the scriptwriters step up to the mark and build on this. It could be good. We could have some depth of characterisation - inasmuch as that has meaning within the context of a show like this. Still. Owch.
They've been building Rodney up to possibly this, but definately some over-extension and probable breakdown for most of the season (which is a yay, IMO, as people were talking here about hoping that the stuff planted in the premiere and Runner would continue/pay off). I'm very excited about finding out what comes next.
And more of Ronon's backstory
Somebody tell me which fracking vowel is canon, please? And why, since the name is OBviously derivative, it isn't RonIn? Ronan. Ronen. Ronin. Ronon. Ronun. and sometimes Ronyn. has it as Ronon Dex
Yep, I've been going with the Ron o n spelling on the basis of
nips off to doublecheck with
Oh, frack. THEY spell it Ron a n.
Buggered if I know, then.