I do see both the chemistry there, and the problem with it, philosophically.
I guess I see your point, but I really don't have a problem with it philosophically, myself. Ronon is radiating enough hottitude to power the shield generator, if Rodney would only think of it, and I've no doubt that he's going to be slashed with everyone with a pulse. I think Teyla's the most plausible character to pair him up with at this juncture, though.
And I also don't make any apologies for thinking that the fact that both of them are outsiders with some shared points of reference gives them something else in common. Because it does. Certainly they're from different backgrounds, and they seem to be very different people in many respects, but both are competent as hell and good at kicking ass, and hate the Wraith with a big burny hatred. That's not a bad starting point. I like living in Egypt, and I like hanging out with Egyptian friends, but it's also nice to kick back with people from the West. Doesn't mean I don't get to fancy or shag Egyptians, but the shared sense of being a stranger in a strange land can be a real bondy thing. If I found myself working alongside some Japanese guy or Jamaican guy who was half as hot as Ronon, you can damned well BET that I'd be having the lustful thoughts - and having a shared "Hey, Egypt can be strange and mad" point of reference for bonding over, even if he's not from my own country? Not a bad thing.
However, yeah, he really does seem less alien than Tayla does (and terribly American, IMO), so it bothers me less (less, actually, than putting her with John, but that's a whole different issue for me).
Although I saw some sparkage between Teyla and Sheppard at the start of S1, I'm really getting more of a friends vibe from them these days - and in Letters from Pegasus there was a sense that she really didn't understand him, and was finding it difficult to maintain her respect for his decision. And not in an USTy way. On screen I really don't see any Rodney/Teyla sparkage at all. Teyla/Elizabeth - again, not that much on screen, really, although I think one could cheerfully write hot fic. Whereas Sexy Ronon-in-bedroom-doorway-doing-Aragorn-pose is quite the interruption to have when you're on your bed with your legs splayed apart. IJS. And the whole fighting workout scene also. Think of a parallel situation with Rodney and John, or Lindsey and Angel, or Clark and Lex - I mean, damn.