What y'all said.
Also, in the preview for next week, the Prior looks an awful lot like Zhann. Hee! Also, I'm watching a terrible SciFi Insects from Outer Space! movie which had Teryl Rothery for about three minutes with a serious Texas accent (before she was killed by a moth masquerading as her husband. Don't ask).
Sheppard in that shirt
Was that the nice black shirt, or is it a different nice shirt?
What he should be concentrating on is painting them as foreign, EVIL gods that want to invade and destroy everyone who won't become their slaves and worship them constantly.
Yeah, a little Satan imagery would be helpful for them at this point, I think.
Watching SGA
The Seige.
...have they all just
about the wraith that's imprisoned downstairs from umpteen episodes back? Or the Genii lass who ended up helping them out in the end? What
to these people?
Katie M - Aug 13, 2005 10:00:00 am PDT
That's like time sluttage. How geeky is that?
Not to worry Fay, there is a masterful episode in the writing called
The Ends, they are tied up
,which covers all those things, and more.
...seriously, have I just forgotten about what happened to Steve The Wraith? 'Cause I thought he was in a big cage thing downstairs. Only now Bob The Wraith is in the big cage thing downstairs.
Also...if Teyla was freaking out with Wraith dreams when Bob was lurking around Atlantis, shouldn't she have been having the same dreams thanks to Steve?
...I've been waving my hands like crazy, but I think they may fall off shortly.
Oh My God! They killed Peter!
Shit. I
Peter. Damn it.
The Siege
Part II.
Colonel McIrritating has
the most annoying voice I have ever heard.
Did you miss the bit where they killed Steve the Wraith? And then Bob the Wraith?
They never did explain what happened with Genii girl, I think. Sora?
Well, I've just seen Bob The Wraith getting killed, but I can't remember what happened to Steve The Wraith. When did he die?
Hmpph. So we leave it with Sheppard heroically pulling an
Independence Day,
while Rodney and Elizabeth gaze fretfully at the little blip of light representing their boy wonder, wondering how their collective bacon is going to be saved.
Aaaand over to
Who's just phoned for Wilson to come and ogle a lady's silicone-enhanced bosoms. Bless.
Aw! "You just want to look pretty at work."
Wilson declaiming romantic poetry at House. I have no words.
....actually, I have mixed feelings about
It does seem to require more hand-waving than I'd expected - I mean, we're not talking
Diagnosis: Murder,
but still. The way that House keeps sending members of his team off to search patients' houses stretches my credence. The shots of the inside of the patient's body squick me, but I can't quibble with it as a distinctive technique. Scary as hell, the way they keep guessing and nearly killing people, but generally
killing people - but I have no idea whether this is how this kind of thing works. It might be.
I have to say, watching this show always gives me a slight surge of hypochondria.
BUT - Damn, House/Wilson is one slashy relationship. Although, setting aside the pink-tinted spectacles of slash, on the other hand, it's just a really nice friendship. Which is good too. Bless.
that Steve was made into a lab rat for Carson's 50% effective Wraith repellent. And then they get a new pet Wraith, and Sheppard gets all medieval on its ass.
Actually, do we suppose the Wraith
asses? I don't see them having much use for them.
Steve was made into a lab rat for Carson's 50% effective Wraith repellent
Huh. Maybe I missed an episode, or something.
Actually, I
missed an episode of
Veronica Mars.
Which is kind of cool, because I've still got an episode waiting for me.