Oh! I was going to say - I liked Betsy's joke, and it reminded me of one of the stories my Mum told me the other day. Not in a porny way, though. The Ascot Races were up at York last year, apparently, rather than at Ascot - not sure why they moved it, doesn't really matter. Anyway, my parents and their friends went along, glamorous as ever, and did the whole champagne picnic and watching the races thing. As they tramped back towards their cars, some rude s.o.b drove up the (pedestrian only) path behind them and all but bumped into them. They turned around, indignant, only to see the Queen and Prince Philip issuing forth from the vehicle. A stunned silence descended over the various pedestrians, who found themselves a scant few yards away from their Queen all of a sudden. Then this random lady near my Mum whispered "we should clap, or something" and then my Mum and her mate started clapping madly. My Auntie Anne, a royalist to the bone (my Mum isn't, but was still very excited) yelled "Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah!" The Queen and Prince Philip did the royal nod and smile thing, or whatever, and then hurried off down a side path through a hedge with a bunch of bodyguards. A few moments later a helicopter rose up from behind the hedge and swooped away.
Er. So - not as funny as Betsy's joke. But it's true, and it made me laugh like a lunatic. (You really need my Mum's description of the scene for full effect, complete with body language, gesticulations and gob-smacked expressions - Eddie Izzard has nothing on my mother as a story teller.)
Aaaanyway, I digress. Back to Veronica Mars. Just watched ep 17. (This show, it strikes me, is a little like Twin Peaks plus Buffy, minus supernatural quirkiness and high jinx.) At present, it seems that Veronica thinks Duncan could be the killer. And he could be, but surely the reason that Logan saw him attacking his dad the week that he dumped Veronica is because he realised that Veronica might be his sister, thus the unexplained dumpage?
I was wondering whether Sheriff McHorrible could have been involved in either Lily's demise or Veronica's assault? Because it would be so much more satisfying to carry on hating him, rather than to go "Argh!" about Duncan or Logan. Or it could be Sleazy McLawyer guy - I wouldn't mind hating him. Although I think he's unlikely. Hmm. Surely Jake Kane didn't kill his daughter - although that would certainly be very Leyland Palmer.
...I do like this show. On to Episode 18, if my downloading worked out okay...