...I do wish that the Athosians were all the same physical type. It's just bugging me that they're clearly NOT the same race of people, when within the context of their story they pretty much should all be mixed-race, surely? If you've got such a limited gene pool you're all going to be related and you're all going to thus look kinda samey. Or am I missing something?
Nope. Welcome to Stargate.
Start limbering up your wrist now, for, lo, the handwaving required to survive Gate logic is mighty. Wouldn't want you getting a sprain.
The good news is, it gets easier and easier. Or, I'm getting more and more... let's call it tolerant.
I love that episode so much. So much pissing and moaning from Rodney, and then the reluctant heroics... sigh
You know, he kind of reminds me of Xander - except much, much smarter. And hotter.
Start limbering up your wrist now, for, lo, the handwaving required to survive Gate logic is mighty. Wouldn't want you getting a sprain.
I always knew it was this kind of show, though. SG1 is not
BSG is more Firefly, in that it's got characters I believe and it's a lot less silly. But SG is still a lot of fun, in a Dr Who kind of way, and it has snark. And I'm shallow. So that's good.
Aw, I don't know if Rodney is hotter than Xander. Xander could be pretty damned hot, imho. But Rodney's a
And, yes, very, very lickable.
Thus far, incidentally, I'm not getting the slashy vibe. But I am loving Rodney, with his whole 'We have to hit on the Athosian babes now, before they realise we aren't cool' thing to Carson.
And I'm
Also, I'm rather sorry for Peter that it seems his character doesn't get developed more - I mean, he's not on any of the promo pictures, so I guess he gets to stay a supporting character, and then in Season 2 they bring in Hottie McHairBraidGuy, and Not!Skinner, so I'm guessing that he still doesn't get lots of screen time. Which is a pity.
Did I mention the Rodney love? Which, yes, very much there. But John is just charming me to death.
SG is still a lot of fun
Oh, totally. My love for it knows no bounds. And there's some good dramatic stuff in there sometimes, too.
The biggest ship vibe I picked up in S1 was John/Elizabeth, and I think it was completely unintentional on the part of the writers - it was just there sometimes. In S2, they seem to be teasing it a bit, but I don't think that's where they're headed. Could be wrong.
I like reading McKay/Sheppard because there's a metric load of brilliant fic about these two out there -- seriously, the sheer amount of awesome fic in this young fandom is verging on ridiculous -- but I don't find they are all, "OMG enough slashy tension to wake the dead" on the show in the manner of, say, Clark/Lex, at least to my eyes. Granted, I usually need to be bludgeoned about in the head with the threat of an imminent blowjob on screen to see slashy subtexts.
I've noticed *some* Sheppard/Weir subtext though, especially in the first two episodes of S2. Or maybe that's because my default shippy inclination is het. Hmmm.
I'm not sure anyone had ever seen anything quite like Clark/Lex, in the early days of Smallville.
I'm not sure anyone had ever seen anything quite like Clark/Lex, in the early days of Smallville.
SA and I were reminiscing just this weekend about the good old slashy days of S1 Smallville. Some gay porn? Less gay.
DH is noticing Sheppard/Weir subetext this season.
I'm hoping it doesn't become text ("What's that thing above the subtext?"). I'm not sure why.
Yeah. It's like, the yardstick against which all slashy subtexts are to be measured. The only other relationship I can think of that comes even close is Angel/Lindsey.