Flitting in briefly from slow dial-up land for more Name That Character. In this case urgent, since Sergeant Nameless is a key player in the next scene I'm planning to write:
Is my crusty, ugly, bad-ass, somewhat criminal but more or less on the side of the angels sergeant Davey Bacon, Davey Baines, or Davey Ball?
My gut reaction is Bacon, and, given that I've just had chocolate pudding to appease the inner food gods, I think that's not because of the yum.
Davey Ball has a nice ring to it but he would have been teased mercilessly as a child.
I like Ball, but I'm afraid it's too punny on a variety of levels. But sometimes punny isn't such a bad thing, and it *is* a real name, so I waffle undecidedly.
If you like the pun, and he makes life hard on people, maybe Baines is better.
I tried Baines last night, but I may switch to Bacon or Ball after all--I'd forgotten my vow never to give a character a name ending in "s" again. The possessive forms annoy me that much--Baines' looks wrong, because there's only one of him, but Baines's looks awkward. Maybe I'll go back to that Yorkshire surname list and see if Baine or Bain can be a name by itself, because it *does* suit the character...
ETA--and Bain it is.
Don't know if it is worth posting challenges, but for those in a drabble mood, after this week's events, what else but ---
t Edit for clarification