Yay deb! Yay deb's pretty, pretty words.
We play this game sometimes, over drinks at the bar. When I'm tired of your overly bright voice and manic laugh, bored to death of your poking and prodding, trying to get at my heart and discover who I am. When I am simply sick of what you are, I will ask the question.
Which three books, movies, famous people would you bring with you to a desert island?
Then I will sit back and quietly judge you, and always, always find you less.
Wow. Those were both incredible, they gave me chills.
Totally non-drabbly question for the editors here:
My mom is passing on to me a self-published novel by one of her customers for editing. Apparently it's decently written and a good story, but full of typos and grammatical glitches, and my mom's bookstore won't sell it until it's cleaned up and looking all professional-like. She doesn't need a beta to dig into the storytelling and the characters' inner lives and the like, just a spelling and grammar nitpicker to go over it with a fine-toothed comb and take out all the nits and tangles and snarls until it's all smooth and silky-shiny. She's willing to pay. What should I ask?
JZ, this page is a good place to start with freelance rates (what you'd be doing sounds like it falls into the plain old "copyediting" category): [link]
JZ, some people charge a flat rate dollar a page. Some charge anywhere from $12 to $22 an hour, with the expectation that in copyediting a novel, you can *generally* edit about ten pages per hour. So you can do it either way, based on what you want to make and what you think she can pay.
I've found with first-timers, it's easiest to charge a flat rate so there's a concrete expectation up front.
Hi peeps. I know some of you and would like to know most of you. May I please join the GWW? And can someone please point me to the roolz (I'm guessing there's a word limit, right?). And if I am totally out of my element and coming across as a nin com poop, please let me know.
Hey, sweetie! Welcome aboard!
Steph can fill you in on most of it, but it's drabbles, so 100 words.
Javachick! Oh, good.
In addition to the drabbles, this is also a place where people talk about the writing they're doing, or, in my case, the writing I'm not doing, unless you count writing about flow-accelerated corrosion.
Thanks! Sounds like the right spot for the likes of me.
Flow-accelerated corrosion. Mmmmm....sexy!