You might feel differently if you had to write copy for something called LORD OF THE SATYRS, in which said satyr lord actually had two penises. (One strictly for procreating!)
Sadly, I'll have to go with the, "or not!" option.
Because that didn't put a dent in my desire at all.
Because that didn't put a dent in my desire at all.
Seriously, I know they're not looking for anyone right now, but if you want I could try to hook you up in the future.
Or I could just send you all the assignments I hate.
Seriously, I know they're not looking for anyone right now, but if you want I could try to hook you up in the future.
Or I could just send you all the assignments I hate.
You are exercising your creative muscles.
I'd be okay writing the text, but don't expect me not to laugh in the meeting, right?
I'd be okay writing the text, but don't expect me not to laugh in the meeting, right?
The nice thing is, half the time the editors know how ridiculous the books are. We did a lot of laughing in editorial meetings when I worked there.
Which is not a real recommendation for the state of publishing today, but there you go.
What is it? A bunch of essays that "got back?"
Yeah...having to take it seriously would make my head burst.
But this wouldn't be easier:
"So, Erika, heard you're in publishing..."
"Yeah. Jacket copy mostly."
"Anything I might have heard of?"
It's an anthology of "erotic" novellas.
If anything in this line were truly erotic, I would eat a ream of typing paper. What passes for erotica here is a female take on Penthouse Letters, with lots of "ooh, dirty!" words and very little understanding of real sexuality.
The nice thing is, half the time the editors know how ridiculous the books are. We did a lot of laughing in editorial meetings when I worked there.
Which is not a real recommendation for the state of publishing today, but there you go.
Yeah, well, considering my own snarly little rant in livejournal this morning, this is some damned good timing.
Publishing can blow me.
Yeah, well, considering my own snarly little rant in livejournal this morning, this is some damned good timing.
Publishing can blow me.
We laughed more about the books we *didn't* publish, though. But when you're trying to describe one more romance about a noble Scotsman with perfect hair and teeth, and his virginal but truly spunky bride, it's hard not to.