Awesome drabbles, everybody. I'm hoping to get around to it before the week is up...
In the meantime, hivemind question: Is there current British slang for "girl" or "woman"? I mean, I know lots of other words (the common ones, like loo, and lift, and sorted, etc.) but I'm blanking on this. Any ideas?
See, that's what I kept thinking. I knew that (and "bint," thanks to Spike, which is not appropriate in this instance) but it seems dated.
Flower or Petal? Guess thats kind of old too. W
need input from an actual English woman. Oh Fay...?
Flower or Petal?
I'm thinking more of a way to refer to a woman, not something you'd call her. As in, "I'm chuffed I met such a brilliant [insert word here]."
Amy, what's the sentence, otherwise? You don't want to over-slang it.
No one sentence. I've got a Brit hero, and I had him calling her a pretty bird at one point, and it just felt ... weird. I wanted to know if there was something I could plug in at different points (because he's North London, uses a lot of slang).